Josh Procaccini, CFP®

COO / Wealth Manager

Josh Procaccini is an owner, COO, and Wealth Manager at Trove Private Wealth™.

Josh is an accomplished writer and teacher who has contributed to several published works and has presented wealth management strategies to various audiences, including professional colleagues. He is skilled at helping individuals find clarity and confidence about their lives and their wealth by documenting their vision, priorities, and goals; developing an actionable plan; and carrying it out.

Josh’s ability to help families develop clear, overarching investment strategies that ensure they will have sufficient financial resources to meet current and future needs, while increasing support for the causes and organizations they care about, has made him a highly sought-after advisor to clients and colleagues.

Josh earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Hamilton College in New York, graduating with magna cum laude honors. A lifelong resident of Lakeville, Massachusetts, he has been part of closely-held businesses all his life and excels with the challenge and excitement of entrepreneurship.