The Legacy of Motherhood

One of the greatest and most impactful blessings over the years to our families, our communities, and our larger society has been that of motherhood. This month we as we celebrate Mother’s Day, let’s pause to consider just how significant moms are to all of us and how important their legacy is within our culture and our nation. While some of us may not have had the opportunity to personally experience having a beloved mother or being a mom ourselves, it’s easy to see why many like myself so passionately believe that the family and moms were God’s perfect design from the beginning!

Here is my attempt at a list of some of the many things that make motherhood one of the greatest living legacies of all time.

  1. The first person to provide nurturing care, emotional love & touch.
  2. Someone willing to give selfless time, playing, talking, encouraging, and teaching.
  3. A strong source of devotion, loyalty, & unconditional love.
  4. A person of responsibility, commitment, perseverance, & forgiveness. 
  5. A teacher of good nutrition, hydration, personal hygiene, & physical fitness.
  6. Someone who offers help of all kinds, financial, physical, mental, emotional, & even spiritual for some.
  7. A person who always listens with compassion, empathy & hopefulness.
  8. A reliable place of constant support, encouragement & belief.
  9. A source of wisdom, discernment & advice.
  10. A healthy, balanced, and moral life to emulate.
  11. Sacrifice, generosity & a life given up in many ways and poured out into the lives of her children.
  12. Joy upon joy upon joy resulting from the love of her children and her children’s children.

May I encourage each of you reading to honor your mother and every mother you know this Mother’s Day! And if you are a mom, thank you for being you and for all you do. While you may feel unnoticed at times, you are seen by the God who made you and your life is a genuine living legacy.